Tuesday, 24 April 2018

UK Chess Challenge Trophy Winners

With the younger half of the club meeting back today I was able to hand Adam his trophy for finishing 2nd. Eddie beat Alice S in a play-off to take 3rd. Adam and Eddie deserved their success and are always willing to play anyone at the club.

They are pictured above with tournament winner Olga (minus trophy but plus a pink rabbit in her hair).

Cody got a medal for the work he put into his chess last term. He took on Prady, Prasid, Jiyuan and Khrisha at the same time today on two separate boards which judging by the look on his face was proving a challenge. Scott  - who kindly comes down to help out - by contrast is a picture of tranquility against Jixuan.

Alice playing Alice in the foreground. Hriday, Solan and Rishi having fun behind.

Best Wishes

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

First Week Back

This was the first week back after the Easter holidays and the turn of the older players. Certificates and mascots were handed out to all the tournament competitiors.

Congratulations to James Z for his "best player" medal won for his hard-fought battles in the UK Chess Challenge. Congratulations also to Adam for winning the "Player of the Week" trophy for spotting and explaining the combination on the demo board.

Good luck to Jake, Felix, Toby, Denil, Olga and Ben C as they represent the Essex U11 side in the National Finals. Stewart and Ben P will be with me the next two weekends representing KEGS in different competitions.

 Toby carefully watching Olga's game with Jixuan.

 Ben enjoying his game with Neil closest to the camera.

Cody deep in concentration against Stewart.

Best Wishes