Tuesday, 22 February 2022

Fabulous Photos from 19th February

We were lucky enough to enjoy the company of Grace on Saturday and her portrait photographer mother Melinda (https://twitter.com/meltastic1_). Here are a selection of her photos.

Elliott and Kai - two of our younger players - enjoying their battle.

Ayomide concentrating hard.



Adam - a long time member and generous supplier of chocolate.


Anna (who comes along as part of her Duke of Edinburgh community service).

Harry (who only learned how to play two weeks earlier).

Jeremy, Barathan and Jora

Jeremy and Nolan closest to the camera

A bit of group coaching with the older players.

Hugo looking worried.

George mid-snack.

Oliva deep in concentration.

Chess is surprisingly photogenic (at least in the hands of a real photographer).

Best Wishes

Monday, 21 February 2022

New Saturday Dates

 Saturday Chess Club

Chelmsford Junior Chess Club will meet on the following Saturday mornings from 9.15am to 12.15pm in Christ Church in London Road (CM2 0AW).

5th March, 19th March, 2nd April, 30th April, 28th May, 25th June, 23rd July.

The younger club (Years 2 to 5) will meet from 9.15am to 10.30am. 

The older club (Year 6 and above) from 10.45am to 12.15pm.

The times are fluid as the groups merge into each other and the stronger, younger players are welcome to stay on.

Numbers are limited and sessions will need to be pre-booked at chelmsfordjuniorchess@gmail.com

Covid precautions will be in place.

The cost will be £5 per session, which will be a mix of playing and coaching.

Payment in cash on the day or online marked CJCC.

Further details will be emailed out to those who book a session.