Friday, 23 December 2022

Junior Tournaments 2023

What better time to start planning chess in 2023?

Online, we kick off with the First Sunday Brentwood Blitz (2+3) at 10am on New Year's Day

Brentwood First Sunday January Arena #G1H7QN39 •

But I really wanted to share details of Rounds 3 and 4 of the Essex Junior Chess Association Grand Prix. 

These one-day junior tournaments are suitable for everyone and split into different age groups and levels.

Sunday 29th January - Colchester - Colchester Junior January Grand Prix | Colchester Jr Chess

Sunday 5th March - Brentwood - and

As always, please save and keep an eye on this live document link

Good Luck!

Robin Slade (

Monday, 19 December 2022

Christmas Chess Photos

We had a lovely Christmas meeting on 17th December. 

Thank you to everyone who bought food in and Melinda Wilde ( for the photos.

Russell and Grace enjoying their chess

CJCC's great DofE volunteers - Anna, Eddie and Joshua

Ezara and Eva


Drishna looking nervous


Eddie, Adam and Anna

I hope you all have a great Christmas. CJCC will be back on New Year's Eve afternoon.

Best Wishes

Sunday, 4 December 2022

CJCC Christmas Chess

 CJCC will meet twice around Christmas:

Saturday 17th December 9.15am - 12.15pm split into two groups by age.

9.15am - Year 1-5

10.45am - Year 6+

No charge but players are invited to come festivally attired and with a little something (nut-free) to share.

Saturday 31st December 2.15pm - 3.45pm. Booking essential.

Plenty of other chess going on. Keep an eye on this live google doc.

Happy Christmas!

Robin (